Summer Semester 2009/10
Summer Semester 2010/11
Summer Semester 2011/12
Aesthetics AWN6073
Course content:meaning of "techne" and "ars", theory of art by Plato and Aristotle (role of art and the status of artists). Horacy and limits of artists invention. Vitruvius and his treatise on architecture. Description of art objects. History of art by Pliny the Elder. Early medieval iconoclasm. Discussions on the church interiors (St.Bernard vs. Suger of St. Denis) Renaissance texts on art: Alberti. Leonardo, Durer. History of Italian art by Vasari. Posttridentinum art theory. Theory in 17th c. and new categories in the texts of the 18th c. Winckelmann
Learning outcomes: Knowledge of history of European art theories enablin understanding contemp.artistic communication
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
a) basic references:W. Tatarkiewicz, History of Aestetics, Continuum IPB, N.York 2005
b) supplementary references: n/a