Theory of Urban and Regional Planning 2 AUMN2019
Course content:The problems of transport in cities. Transport infrastructure as part of the kształtujący structure. The characteristics of the various means of transport. Considerations of design layouts. Criteria for evaluating solutions. Modern communication centres in the city. The issues of environmental and sustainable development of cities. The issues of environmental and sustainable development of cities. The balancing of spatial development. The System of open space. Aspects of the protection of the landscape. The continuity of the natural system as a criterion for planning. Analysis and programming in urbanism. Problems of modern cities in different parts of the world. Sustainable community vs. urban sprawl. Shrinking cities is a new phenomenon of shrinking cities. Tool to control the development of cities.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding Advanced interdisciplinary considerations of planning and urban design.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
1. Bielecki Cz., Gra w miasto, Warszawa 1996.
2. Chmielewski J. M., Teoria urbanistyki, wybrane zagadnienia, Wyd. PW Warszawa 1996.
3. Czarnecki W., Planowanie miast i osiedli, PWN, Warszawa 1965.
4. Gehl J., Życie między budynkami, Wyd. RAM, Kraków 2009.
5. Jałowiecki B., Metropolie, WSFiZ, Białystok 1999.
6. Jałowiecki B., Szczepański M.S., Miasto i przestrzeń w perspektywie socjologicznej, Scholar, Warszawa 2002.
7. Praca zbiorowa, Elementy analizy urbanistycznej, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków 1998.
8. Kozłowski S., W drodze do ekorozwoju, PWN Warszawa 1997.
9. Losch B., Teoria lokalizacji
10. Lorens P. (red.), System zarządzania przestrzenią miasta, WA PG, Gdańsk 2002.
11. Lynch K., The Image of the City.
12. Szmidt B., Ład przestrzeni, Kanon, Warszawa, 1998.